Who we are and why Retcon/USA?
About almost 2 decades ago, assorted gamer colleagues met in a pub in Philly to discuss creating a Traveller RPG-themed convention in the USA. The result was
TravellerCon/USA, the first all-Traveller convention in North America. Fifteen years later, TravellerCon/USA is still growing and going strong.
In 2017, after reading people's mixed reviews of the RPG and Miniature games of various "media-oriented" conventions, two of those assorted gamers (Keith and Megan Frye) discussed providing a venue, where fans of the "old-school" (pre-1990) games could meet, greet and have a gaming blast from the past.
And hence, RetCon-USA was born, as we re-write the adventures of the past for the adventurers of the present. "Old School Gaming, Like Mother used to make."